November 5, 2008

Ch, ch, ch, changes

Wow! What an amazing 24 hours this has been! We have a new president (elect) and new sidewalks!


Yes, it's true. The city finally got around to repairing the sidewalks in our neck of the woods this past week.

We received notice that this would be coming earlier this summer and of course, two days before Halloween, the construction crew came along and ripped out the offending portions of our front walk.

Then they came back the next day and pulled out some big roots. And then they did nothing...for 4 days (granted, there were a few weekend days involved).

But yesterday morning we awoke to freshly poured concrete. What a great way to start an election day!

Now, if only the city would foot the bill instead of us....but I won't even get started on that topic!

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