Wow! I never thought an entire month would go by before I got to my next post. Geez, where does the time go? I guess being sick, having family visiting from out of town and spending as much time I can outside has left me little time, or desire, to get back in front of the computer. Although I've still managed to find time for little projects around the house, like this:

That would be the new coat of paint I slapped on the porch trim on one of the days I was home sick (I don't do sick very well. Believe me, I felt awful. I just get antsy!). Don't look too closely as I still haven't finished touching it up (i.e. try to ignore the blue painters tape). At any rate, it's a much needed improvement over this:

The dark green just wasn't doing it for me. Plus, the new color really brightens up the porch; makes it feel a lot bigger. Yeehaw for small projects that reap big benefits!
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