When I first moved in this bathroom screamed late 80's/early 90's - pink blinds on the window, dusty-pink tile on the floor, oak vanity, medicine cabinet and light bar (you know what I'm talking about!), ivory-speckled tile on the bottom half of the wall and ever-so-lovely Laura Ashley-esque wallpaper on the top. I know I took photos before the demolition started but I cannot for the life of me find them anywhere, which makes me sad because, whooee, what a very pretty bathroom it was indeed! The one below will have to suffice for now (ooooh, somebody's husband isn't gonna be to happy when he see's this post!)
Our plan for this project was to bring the bathroom back to somewhat original decor, using vintage items where possible. The tub and the built-in cabinets directly behind it were about the only two remaining original items in the room so at least we didn't have to start from scratch.
Like many renovationists before us our project started off with a bang. The blinds came down and we tore at the wallpaper with relish....and then we didn't do anything.....for months. Then one day I decided to paint the walls....and then we didn't do anything again.....for months. Towards the end of last summer we finally managed to drag ourselves back into the bathroom on an occasional evening here and there, mostly just to look around and wonder what the room would look like once it was finished. And then September, and cooler weather, arrived.
Like all good Minnesotans, we started preparing for the looooonnng winter indoors. We gathered our supplies and finally got to work. But much like our beloved bathroom, dear readers, you, too, will have to wait another day for the rest of this story. I will, however, leave you with this...